
Showing posts from December, 2022

How to solve Server Error (500) when I set Debug - False (Django Heroku )

  Here are the steps that worked for me: step 0:  In your command line, go to your project directory (where exists) Step 1: pip install whitenoise      make sure this library is added  to the requirements.txt ( pip freeze > requirements.txt) Step 2:   go to your folder and locate MIDDLEWARE. add 'whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware' ,   Step 3: in the same add STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static') for my case it was just above django_heroku.settings(locals()) Step 4: now go to your file in the same directory as type the following at the top from whitenoise import WhiteNoise also at the bottom you will use the import so add application = WhiteNoise(application)   Step 5:  now change DEBUG = False and go back to the command prompt in the project directory Step 6: type python collectstatic after this a new folder will appear in the root directory of yo...